
Every photo web page has a guest book. Why should mine be different? Note: This will send email to me. Your message will appear below in a few days

Currently shut down to stop spam.

Fri, 18 Oct 2002 13:40:25

name: Sean

url: http://www.exetercd.freeservers.com

comments: I found this site while looking around for sites on Exeter. It looks like you visited Exeter on a miserable day unfortunately. Exeter looks so much nicer when the sky is blue...see my website for over 350 really nice pics. The CD may not be available anymore, but you can still look at the photos on line. I am in Sweden now, and travel a bit too. You can see other nice photos of Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia and others on my other website, http://angelfire.com/retro/seany

Oh, and the photos on your site do not seem to format correctly if the window is full size, on 800x600 in IE5 / Win2000. It's ok if you resize the window to a little smaller though.

I think as long as you enjoy the photos you take, they are good, no matter what other people might think of them.

Have fun

Tue, 01 Oct 2002 15:12:57

name: Louis

comments: Hi Joan,

I tripped into your web via rec.travel.europe.

WOW how depressing!!!

I thought I had some good photos of Prague. You have a remarkable eye and even better software!!!! I am now going to have to just go back and take some proper pictures.

The clarity and vividness of your pics is fantastic. I need to learn how to compress them and retain the quality.

Thanks for showing me what I should be shooting for.


Sat, 28 Sep 2002 13:53:19

name: Josef

comments: Nice pix but such snotty character
[editor: we had a little fight in a newsgroup. He uses a different name there.]

Wed, 11 Sep 2002 19:03:30

name: Pam Eaves.....Jon`s mummy

comments: Thank you so much for the beautiful photos.It was lovely seeing my little poppets looking so happy &well.Thank you both so much for looking after them.give them both a big cuddle & kiss from Pam & Trev xxxooo

url: computer illerate

Thu, 29 Aug 2002 11:24:12

name: Norma Jean

comments: I don't like your site it's very boring and the pictures are so ugly!!!

Sun, 18 Aug 2002 14:58:27

name: Dan Ross

comments: Very well constructed website, easy to navigate and very usefull. We'll be back again!!!

url: http://www.travel-ascending.com/newyorkcity.htm

Sat, 17 Aug 2002 21:46:44

name: Summer

comments: Hey Joan~
I was looking up info about Las Vegas and I was shocked that you didn't like it (oh well, everybody has their own opinion)anyways, thanks for the pictures.

Sat, 17 Aug 2002 11:08:10

name: patrou

comments: Love lookin at pics, thanks

url: http://www.patrou.com

Wed, 14 Aug 2002 16:44:10

name: Robert Bob Fatone

comments: Very nice!

Best regards . . . Bob in Connecticut USA

Sun, 11 Aug 2002 15:39:33

Name: omegbeoji mugu

comments: wonderful

Tue, 06 Aug 2002 11:28:57

Name: Dave \"Mac\" McGalliard

comments: Joan.... What a great site! I enjoy your work and appreciate the documentary nature of so many of your pictures.... you are trully an artist!

I too do a lot of digital photography. I use a Nikon CoolPix 850... I do little to modify my pictures other than some cropping.

Stay in touch! It is good to know other McGalliards are shooting the world!

God Bless,

Sat, 29 Jun 2002 14:54:27

Name: Carol Homewood


Thu, 27 Jun 2002 15:38:49

Name: Rodney Tregale

Comments: Interesting site and some very nice photo`s,thanks for sharing.

URL: http://website.lineone.net/~rodney.tregale/

05 Jun 2002 11:04:19

Name: Lynda True

Comments: Just returned from London and my first experience with my new digital camera. Loved London as always and love my new camera. Enjoyed your website! Thanks for sharing.

28 May 2002 14:56:38

Name: Michael LaFaive

Comments: This is very useful.

Fri, 10 May 2002 16:01:50

Name: J.W. Cannon


I got your name and website from the backpackinglight yahoo! forum and you have a great website. I am taking some web design course, as I am still new to it, and I would love to use your picture flicker applet, that is if you still don't mind sparing it.

Thanks and happy hiking!


Mon, 18 Mar 2002 13:02:22

Name: Snappy

comments: Love your website. PictureFlicker is fabulous - haven't seen anything like it, and definitely have never come across a slideshow viewer that was so user-friendly and professional.

Would love to know more about getting hold of a copy!

Thu, 21 Feb 2002 00:30:12

Name: Gidget

comments: I was just checking out info. on the location of the UN Headquarters, and I stumbled across your website. There are some awesome pictures.

Keep it up!!

url: http://www.GidgetGear.com

Sun, 17 Feb 2002 18:56:31

Name: ??????? [editor: please write again]

comments: Ooh, trolling around the web, and look who I found!

Liked the photos. PM's looking quite distinguished these days.

Cheers :)

Tue, 15 Jan 2002 20:27:24

Name: Adrian Boliston

comments: Good Photos Joan! The NYC photos were good. I went there in Feb 99 and regret not having taken more photos.
Got the link from the uk cycling newsgroup.

url: http://www.boliston.com

Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:33:56

Name: Mariam Kouyate

comments: Dear Joan: Hi! Love your photos of Afro Celt Sound System, particularly of N'Faly Kouyate, the kora player! N'Faly is my brother in law. I was wondering if you had other photos, or if you could send me better copies of the photos. I know N'Faly will love these.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,

Sun, 13 Jan 2002 00:40:05

Name: John

comments: Great site, good design and very interesting to look at. Keep up the great work!

Mon, 07 Jan 2002 15:29:25

Name: \"raik\"THE DUCE\"schlender\"

comments: trainbombing

Mon, 24 Dec 2001 10:08:27

Name: denise mcgalliard

comments: hey there

as you can see we share the same name....i was looking up information about my name and came actoss your web page......the photo's are lovely...have a good christmas!!!


Dec 8, 2001 at 14:03:05

Name: val collison

I am exited about your pictures as I live in Spain but used to live in twickenham middlesex. These are nice reminders of home.

Nov 23, 2001 at 22:56:30

Name: Dave \"Mac\" McGalliard

Comments: Joan, Again I have visited and am touched by your powers of observation. What a world we live in, and how quickly it all changes. 9-11-01 has transformed the United States. Almost an arrogance regarding our country from the apathy shown last time we had a general election. U.S.A. flag pins are on lapels, flags fly from new flagpoles everywhere. I think of Yamamoto's statement after bombinb Pearl Harbor, \"I'm afraid we've only awakened a sleeping giant.\" George Bush has pulled us together like no other President since Roosevelt. And Tony Blair, what a statesman. WE have great friends in the UK... I'm afraid it took a tragedy to awaken that common bond wrought from war and now a common fear. So keep your head down, keep documenting your travels, and most of all remember the McGalliards in the United States who are there should you need them. God Bless America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and all of the United Kingdom! Sincerely, Mac

Nov 17, 2001 at 19:16:43

Name: Darren

Comments: Joan, Loved your photos, panoramic and still. Thanks for sharing them. Is there anyway the panoramics can be downloaded from your site. I'd like to save the liberty and WTC for posterity for my kids, so when they grow up I can show them. I've been saving everything to CD that I can get my hands on. Thanks again, Darren

Sep 15, 2001 at 12:14:58

Name: Lee Pham,Ed.D.

URL: http://www.geocities.com/lee_pham01

Comments: Thanks for your picture of the World Trade Center twin towers taken before the New York tragedy. God bless America ! Lee Pham, Ed.D.

August 23, 2001 at 12:49:10

Comments: I'm a little pressed for time right now. Flying to Boston thisafta. Sent a link to my PC up there. I enjoyed your photos but will have to complete viewing later, sorry. I thot the fungus was on a cantelope, ha ha ha. Have a nice day, Dave. My Name: Dave Cooper

July 31, 2001 at 08:39:10

Comments: I enjoyed the clik thru your site. I have a home in Tampa. That makes me a Tampan. I don't have a job. That makes me a retiree. I have several cameras. That keeps me busy. I'm over sixty two. That makes me somewhat dependent on the Gov. and Geo. but far from totally. Thank Gawd. I feed the ducks in the park twice a day. Does that make me eccentric? May you always be loved. Dave.

My Name: David Cooper

July 16, 2001 at 22:14:00

Comments: Hi Joan and PM, Nice site, Especially the view of Half Moon bay. Cheers,


My Name: Russell Anson

June 15, 2001 at 16:00:05


My Name: manjunath.m.l.

June 14, 2001 at 16:10:05

Comments: Wow, still with p-m? Well done!

[if the mysterious person who sent this one wants to stand up, I am curious as to who you are. But, either way, \"Hi\" - joan]

June 7, 2001 at 23:55:02

Comments: I love these pictures of the Deer. I think deer are lovely beautiful animals. I wish it was me there. Thanks for sharing these pictures with me.

My Name: Maxine Parkinson

May 16, 2001 at 16:26:11


My Name: Jackie Cunningham

April 2, 2001 at 13:46:23

Comments: You know you really want to work in the Netherlands.....go on.


March 16, 2001 at 08:02:13



February 9, 2001 at 18:57:01 Comments: Yo what's up? I think your impressions of Chicago are funny, but, Chicago rules! I wouldn't move from here for anything in the wrold. Anyway, just thought I'd say hey.

My Name: B24

February 8, 2001 at 04:22:03

Comments: smoking photo very classy great photo of us on the beach. it was great to have you home see ya whenever keep cool

My Name: julieanne cochrane

January 18, 2001 at 00:39:22


Hi! We LOVE the pic of Laoise and 'myPM', as Laoise says. She is thrilled to see pics of us all - thanks a lot! :-) Now all I have to do is persuade her that we have to go to England to see you two, that you are not around the corner...:-)


Linda and Laoise

My Name: Laoise Paddon

Monday, January 1, 2001 at 21:05:47

Comments: Happy New Year! Just dropped in to see what was new! I've enjoyed finding another McGalliard in this world. I'm a bit of an artist. I've taught art since 1974! I live near Yorktown, Indiana, USA. I've been a bit of a geneology nut these past few years. I'm trying to find our link to Europe! Good to see your work! Take good care and have a great 2001! --- Mac

My Name: Dave \"Mac\" McGalliard

Thursday, November 23, 2000 at 05:02:30

Comments: Frankly, I think you are off base on your comments on the Linne statue. Your guess on why should be obvious.


My Name: Mark Linne

Friday, September 15, 2000 at 06:12:01

Comments: Hi Joan, Andrew just called and gave the URL. Like the website-particularly the republican propaganda. Hope all's well over there and the Olympic Dream is just as alive with you as us!

My Name: John Lambert

Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 18:11:10

Comments: Very interesting web sit you obviously know alot about computers

My Name: Pam

Thursday, September 7, 2000 at 20:40:42

Comments: Your photo of a moorhen seems more like a Coot. Are you sure?
[editor: oops!]

My Name: pat

Tuesday, August 29, 2000 at 21:12:11

Comments: your site is wonderful - beautiful pictures. i was just surfing for pictures of kew gardens to put as wallpaper on my computer. i used to live in london - if only briefly - and just loved it there. someday i'll have to come back and visit. thanks for putting out a few snaps to share with those of us that cannot be there! -maureen duane

My Name: maureen duane

Thursday, July 20, 2000 at 17:53:19

Comments: thanks for the photos I'll put them in an application I'm preparing for my pupils. I't s a pity you took them in winter. Red coats should have been much more beautiful. Ciao, by the way ,I'm an Italian teacher of English I'd appreciate an avi filee of this event. Have you got it?

My Name: nico gigante

Friday, June 16, 2000 at 05:02:37

Comments: your photographs are great thanks youve given me encouragement

My Name: belinda

Friday, April 14, 2000 at 13:59:56

Comments: i didn't lioke the fact that you didn't have any history anything . but other than that this site is a good one .

My Name: samantha

Tuesday, March 7, 2000 at 23:27:27

Comments: Hi Joan, As I don't have a digital camera, don't live in the States , know what really happened to Bruiser and have got better things to do than type in surnames at random, this probably won't make your guestbook but it's worth a try. Claire

My Name: claire

Monday, February 28, 2000 at 03:51:37

Comments: Hey, I finally got to your updated web page! you've changed the backgound colour! Pictured of Chicago are cool. The misc collection makes Chicago look interesting.Someone's right. You do have an eye for a charachter of the place. And your comments are right on the spot. I'll go and see the NY pages now. Oh, the bad news I dont think we'll be able to stop by this spring. The tickets are just too expensive that way. May be we'll get to you on a separate trip one day. WE could keave PM and Dave to baby-sit and go for a ginger wine trip ;)

Lots of love from Chicago

My Name: chicagoan

on Sunday, January 30, 2000 at 12:59:33

Comments: A pairie house? A pairie house? Is that one for couples only? How discriminatory of FL-W, especially given his personal life. (You know Talahassein was the scene of a mass shooting that would put an end of season episode of Dynasty to shame?)

Nice to see Bruiser is now commemorated in cyber space: there will be a bit of the web that is forever fluffy...

(Hush sends his love, between serves of steak and kidney.)

My Name: Bro Andrew

Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 19:20:25

Comments: ...........and where might I ask are the Chicago pictures? Slack slack slack. Have you seen my website?

My Name: Kate

Friday, December 24, 1999 at 01:12:46

Comments: Neat!

My Name: Greg Rose

Sunday, December 19, 1999 at 12:09:24

Comments: did you ever get to the chelcey floer show?

Sunday, December 19, 1999 at 12:04:41

Comments: just took a look at you photos

My Name: arthur jervis in uk

Wednesday, December 1, 1999 at 19:11:35

Comments: Greetings from Colorado,USA, Joan Just completed your tour and I must complement you on your website presentation. Sharing small pieces of your world helped me feel like I had just visited the UK and Paris. Perhaps one day I will make the journey to see your wonderful country for myself. Believe me, I'll bring my camera to capture timely memories for my own. I look forward to dropping by your site occasionally to \"check in\" with you. Thank you again, Happy holidays and best of luck in the new century. Sunshine and snowflakes, Mark

My Name: Mark Mancuso

Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 07:30:45

Comments: Nice images! What camera were you using? I like the variety of scenes and your panaroma was terrific. When I was in paris last June, I was running low on space in the 48 meg Flash card in my Canon A5Zoom and did not take nearly as many pictures as I wanted to , but I will be going back to Europe next April and May and this time I will have an extra Compact Flash card to make sure I don't run out of room. Incidentally, if you would like to see my images, they are on PhotoPoint.com under my web address above. I posted 13 albums there and they are getting a lot of hits, but few guest book comments. (The \"France\" album was the last one I shot) I guess that most viewers don't want to take the time to make comments. I've only received about a dozen and all were positive, however, I know that a number of the images are not very good and were \"grab shots\" taken from buses, trains, boats, and even cable cars! Have you posted any other pictures that I can look at? ! Cheers! Bob

My Name: Bob Cox

Friday, November 19, 1999 at 03:38:14

Comments: Sure enjoyed your trip to Paris.

My Name: John Lee

Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 14:44:53

Comments: Joan I love your page, I love your humor (extra dry), as I meet(?)the others on the Millinnimmunnum page,(couldn't she have called it Y2K OR SOMETHING?) I feel lucky to be in with y'all. You are good with a camera too, have you ever tried infra-red film? It gives senic photos a fairytale like quality. If you are ever in Taxas look me up, I live in the only habitable place on the Texas continent. (real big state)Austin has a real hip outlook on many of the issues of lifestyle, there have been no race crimes in the last year! It is wonderful here and I do feel comfortable being who or what I am. Er, whats up with the rabbits, Doc?

My Name: John Wood

Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 20:32:36

Comments: Cool panoramas. Nice overview. I wanna do that too! We should buy a tripod first ;)


My Name: someone else

Tuesday, November 16, 1999 at 17:21:47

Comments: Hey there, I finally got to see your page! Impressed with your photography. Esp black and white stuff. Did you use filters to get the light like that?

I love your website. The colour combination ;) I am now ashamed of mine. I haven't touched it in a while. Should put some more work into it.

Lots of love, guess who.

My Name: Guess Who

Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 12:20:36

Comments: thank you for some quite delightful pictures.

My Name: Roy

Saturday, November 6, 1999 at 05:38:35

Comments: Lovely to see the digital photos of Karen & Boyd Isn't technology a wonderful thing Regards, Andrew

My Name: andrew hogan

Monday, November 1, 1999 at 13:17:03

Comments: I work with James McG and I think the Bruiser page gives a whole new definition to the word twee.

My Name: Andrew Williamson

Monday, November 1, 1999 at 15:31:29

Comments: Fab site - especially the rabbit bits.........although I may be a little biased.

Pics in Richmond Park are amazing.


My Name: Will

Sunday, November 7, 1999 at 18:53:18

Comments: Cool web site Joan. I espec enjoyed the WORDS section.

Really interesting to read your first thoughts and stuff, and inspired me to start up something similar. I like the unstructured approach.

Well done for getting the pics of Battersea up so fast - they came out very well.


My Name: Alice

Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 23:39:38

Comments: You lucky bunny to have a foster parent that creates your very own web page - the first bunny-page I've come across. I also hope you're getting enough to eat but sure you are. Look forward to seeing you in your new permanent home in Clifden Road soon..........

My Name: Katy Gold

Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 11:33:07

Comments: I was hoping to download a picture that had the 'Visit the UK's largest compost heap' sign. Very disapppointed!

My Name: Your Brother

Monday, October 18, 1999 at 02:06:41

Comments: Just a short note telling you I enjoyed your site. I too am into digital photography. I teach school and work with gifted students. I am doing a geneology project for our family and have run into a brick wall with immigration into New Jersey in the mid 1700's.

Your site was found by typing \"mcgalliard\" into the AltaVista search engine.

I do enjoy your writing. Are you a subject of Her Majesty or are you simply a visitor to London?

Do take care and thanks for the nice pages!

My Name: Dave \"Mac\" McGalliard

Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 15:17:59

Comments: Hi there

Sorry I haven't been in touch. Willtry to write/call soon. (We're 16 days out from Go Live)



My Name: Andrew

Monday, October 4, 1999 at 14:06:40

Comments: Hi joan.... your personal stalker here.... now where's that bunney.... it needs to be boiled... If I was that type of person, I'm sure you would of reliased that. Well, it's nice to know someone like yourself, as your nice to chat to.

My Name: [censored to protect the guilty]

Wednesday, September 8, 1999 at 08:13:38

Comments: hi joan...

nice pics! i particularly like the panorama shots. qhat program did u use to stitch them together? and how were you able to animate them in your web page?

anyway, nice homepage. keep up the good work.


My Name: Al Dimalanta

Monday, September 6, 1999 at 18:15:37

Comments: Joan, Your Pan shots were well done. The stitching is not noticable. Peter

My Name: Peter

Monday, September 6, 1999 at 12:26:04

Comments: Hi Joan! I think I found your web pages as a result of your mailings to the rec.phot.dig newsgroup. I've thought for a while that the e1280 was 'ahead of its time' - I wish I had bought one before they were discontinued and dissapeared from the shops. :-(

It's a bit late to say \"welcome to England\" - hope you are enjoying life with us as much as your pictures seem to suggest. It's not all Chocolate Boxes and quaint pubs, but you have a lovely eye for the spirit of the place. (I don't suppose Oz is all like Neighbours, Water Rats and Dame Edna, is it... )

To answer a question - NO, those are NOT the last red phone boxes, although they are getting rare: there are a couple outside the railway station in Leicester, and several outside a public building (the post office?) in central Birmingham.

Nice meeting you - keep painting the (digital) pictures of how you see the world as we move into autumn (the leaves on the trees here are starting to go red and brown) and winter (won't mention what happens in the winter... sigh!)

Regards -


My Name: David Roberts

Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 14:08:36

Comments: Ooooo.... an iMac!

My Name: David Purdue

Friday, July 30, 1999 at 16:21:45

Comments: Photos are great Joan - camera seems to be giving you hours of fun. Where are the photos of you???

My Name: Pam

Friday, July 30, 1999 at 15:39:48

Comments: Comments REspond to your Email or the 5 of us are coming to get you!

My Name: John Wright-Smith

Sunday, July 25, 1999 at 06:39:47

Comments: Thanks :-) I enjoyed the concept of an ongoing series of 'self portrait with unwilling PM'. If every pub has a payphone, maybe there's some subtle scheme of pubs as crypto-phone boxes? Lovely to have all that green Richmond xxxx near where you live (I can't bring myself to write 'near home'!)

My Name: Jocelyn Sietsma Penington

Thursday, July 22, 1999 at 13:34:37


Hi Magoo,How are you?Fab to hear from you at last (I know I have been just as bad) .As you can imagine we've all been pissing and moaning about you.Not really well maybe a little bit. Kinda cool to see your photos .Would you like to see some (we have just a few ,like 8 rolls) photos of our darling Nicolas?You have to un-zip them or something ,I think I might have exposed my lack of knowledge of all things technological! Surprise!! We are all well ,mostly.Nicolas is a dude,a really gorgeous easy baby,but it's early days . The other 2 are keeping me on my toes!I've had a few complications with my wound but I hope that is behind me . Any way gotta go. Stay in touch Much Love Simone.


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