3 days in Paris
<b>Paris, 16-18 October, 1999.</b>
After arriving at Gare de Nord, we left our baggage at the hotel, and headed south to walk <a href="seine">Along the Seine</a>.
Eventually we found we were <a href="approach">Approaching the Eiffel Tower</a>.
<a href="eiffel">Eiffel Tower</a>!
Early the next day, we headed out to <a href="sacrecoeur">Sacré Coeur</a>, where Sunday mass was in progress.
Then on to <a href="Louvre">Musée du Louvre</a>. Only took a few photos, as the museum has been fairly thoroughly recorded by others.
Taking my nasty cold to bed, we had a quiet evening (all we could do to get through a 3 course Alsacien meal). For our last day, we hit the Grands Boulevards. Up the <a href="arc_de_triomphe">Arc de Triomphe</a> - includes a panorama.
Then along the <a href="champs">Champs-Élysées</a>, which was lined with a contemporary sculpture exhibitions.
Of course, there are many other sights in Paris, and some of them are in <a href="misc">Miscellaneous stuff</a><a href="trivia">Curiousities</a>: every city has some sights that bring a smile to foreign visitor. These are some of mine.