Musée du Louvre
The museum seems to be designed for tourists to run in, visit the Mona Lisa,one or two other works, then on to the Eiffel tower. When they get to theMona Lisa, they hold their camcorder up to their eye, and film her, slightlyobscured by heads. Or better still, they hold their camera up and take aphoto. The flash goes off, and they leave, with a nice self portrait ofthemselves, reflected in the glass that protects the painting.Point is, there a very good reproductions available in the foyer, yet thesepeople never actually look at the painting, they are too busy collectingevidence that they were there. I decide to look, then buy a book. Hence,my camera stayed mostly in my bag at the Louvre. If you need to see more Louvre, try <a href=""></a>